Loving Kindness Practice for Children During these Challenging Times


Loving Kindness Practice for Children During these Challenging Times

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Summary In this difficult moment of the global coronavirus pandemic, here is a loving kindness practice to do at home with children.
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Loving Kindness Practice for Children During these Challenging Times


We sit comfortably with our body still and relaxed, stable like a mountain. We breath naturally and our mind is spacious and peaceful. We take a moment to remember to have a kind attitude and good motivation for doing this meditation. For this practice you can close your eyes, if you like.

Now remember someone who has been very kind to you, maybe someone in your family, a friend, someone you feel safe around, it could be even an animal/your pet.

You might remember a moment of kindness you received, a smile, a loving gesture.

Or imagine that the love in the whole universe in form of white light is shining on you, warming your whole body. The love you received is flowing into your body, your heart and mind just like the warm and bright rays of the sun. While receiving this love, we can say phrases of loving kindness, they are like a magic formula:
“May I be well, may I be happy, may I be safe” (pause)
“May I be well, may I be happy, may I be safe” (pause)
“May I be well, may I be happy, may I be safe” (pause)

Then we continue noticing something in us that feels difficult or irritating right now. It could be a feeling of boredom as you are not going to school at the moment and you are not allowed to see your friends. Or it could be a feeling of anxiety regarding the situation right now, your parents, other people around you might be quite worried.

Or you might feel anger towards someone who is irritating you right now.

Now we are sending love to whatever upsetting feeling we might experience right now.
“May you, my emotion, be well, may you be happy”  (pause)
“May you, the irritating feeling in my,  be well, may you be happy” (pause)
“May you be well, may you be happy”

We imagine that the love we receive heals all our disturbing emotions.

Then we are extending our loving kindness practice to someone we love very much, someone we feel gratitude towards. Can you imagine such a person?
“May you be well, may you be happy, may you be safe“ (pause)

Now we can send our love to other loved ones, our parents, grandparents, our friends.
“May you be well, may you be happy, may you be safe“  (pause)

And now we are sending our good wishes to people, we do not know so well, our neighbors, people in the shops….
“May you be well, may you be happy, may you be safe“ (pause)

Now think of a person that is a bit difficult for you, someone who has irritated you.  Imagine that this person – just as you –  wants to be happy and not suffer and maybe this person has the same fear and anxiety just as you.

We send our love to this person with the phrases:
“May you be well, may you be happy, may you be safe”  (pause)       
“May you be well, may you be happy, may you be safe”  (pause)
“May you be well, may you be happy, may you be safe”  (pause)

Now we are sharing our love with all those living in our house.
“May you be well, may you be happy, may you be safe”  (pause)

And now we can share our good wishes with everyone in our street:
“May you be well, may you be happy, may you be safe” (pause)

We also share our love with all the doctors, nurses who are trying to help all those who are sick right now:
“May you be well, may you be happy, may you be safe”  (pause)

We embrace everyone in your country with our love “May you be well, may you be happy, may you be safe” (pause)  Then we send our love to all the places in the world where many people are sick. “May you be happy, may you be safe, may you be healthy.” And then we share it with everyone: “May the whole world, all beings be safe, be well, be happy!” (pause)

Then we can open our eyes if they are closed and rest in this feeling of open heartedness and in this atmosphere of love.


Photo by Annie Spratt

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