“Who Am I Really?” Guided Contemplation


“Who Am I Really?” Guided Contemplation

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Summary A short contemplation on the nature of our emotions and ourselves.
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“Who Am I Really?” Guided Contemplation

Am I angry sometimes?
Am I sad sometimes?
Do I sometimes have fear?
Maybe this morning, I was in a bad mood when I put on my shoes?

When I am angry or in a bad mood, am I like this all the time, without interruption, even now, in this moment?

Can I be sad in one moment and just after be happy because a friend made me laugh? Can I be angry in one moment and just after be full of love for my dog or rabbit?

Can I have fear in one moment and the next moment, can I feel completely at ease because my father arrived?

Am I my sadness, am I my anger or my fear?

If I am not all of this, because it does not stay and it changes, then, who am I really deeply inside myself? Who am I really?

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