The Sitting Together Songbook

Music and audio

The Sitting Together Songbook

About This Resource

Summary Mindful Families offers a broad variety of songs for children, relating to topics ranging from metta and mindfulness to karma and interdependence.


The Sitting Together Songbook

This excellent resource from Sumi Loundon Kim‘s website Mindful Families offers a broad variety of songs for children, relating to topics ranging from metta and mindfulness to karma and interdependence.

From the Mindful Families website:

Singing is a fabulous way for children to absorb values and ideas. Music gives expression to our inner spiritual world, and singing with others gives collective expression to spiritual community.

The Sitting Together Book Set includes a Songbook with 58 songs. These songs are perfect for children and families because they’re simple and easy to learn. The quickest way to learn these songs is to listen to them using the links below. You can use the Sitting Together Curriculum Songbook for lyrics and guitar chords.

Click here to view the page.

Photo by Anna Earl

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