Family Practice Guidelines


Family Practice Guidelines

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Summary Four simple guidelines for practicing as a family.
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Family Practice Guidelines

by Alaya Preschool

Look and Experience First; Talk Later

Be mindful of your language as you do these practices with your children. Explain the form as simply and clearly as you can. As adults we tend to over-talk things, so keep it simple and listen to yourself.

Teach Less Share More

These practices are an opportunity to do something with your child that really allows you to witness and honour your child’s experience and share your own. Children know when we are being “teachery,” and when we are genuinely sharing what we are experiencing. They will respond to your own observations much more freely than your lengthy explanations.

Be Receptive

Receptivity means listening, and being aware. It is one of the most richly rewarding attitudes you can cultivate while working with children. Pay attention to what your child is experiencing and be willing to be flexible to meet their needs.

A Sense of Joy Should Permeate the Experience

Each of these practices has a form to be followed, but it should be done with a light touch. This is an opportunity to share in the joy of experience together. Marry discipline with delight and your child will be more likely to want to join you in practice more often.

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