Making a Karma Boomerang


Making a Karma Boomerang

About This Resource

Summary As part of a lesson on cause and effect, have students design a boomerang with the thoughts, words, actions they would like to come back to them.
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Throwing a Karma Boomerang

Duration: 30 min
Ages: All
Summary: As part of the Unit Plan on the Law of Cause and Effect, have students design a boomerang with the thoughts, words, actions they would like to come back to them.


Play the following video:


Have any of you already thrown a boomerang? How does it work? What is the lineage of a boomerang?

Make a Boomerang

Design a boomerang with the thoughts, words, actions you would like to come back to you. Provide students with cardboard boomerangs to work with. Use the template available by clicking the download button.

Photo by Dominique Chappard Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0)

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