How to Make Happiness Soup
Wendy O'Leary, co-author of Breathing Makes It Better, shows us how to make Happiness Soup!
Breathing Makes It Better Educator’s Guide
This guide offers complementary activities for teachers and caregivers to lead with children when reading Breathing Makes It Better.
Dilemmas about Helping and Not Harming
This short activity engages students in a discussion about the 10 positive and negative actions.
Forty Children’s Books that Teach Kindness
This booklist is from Happy You, Happy Family, a blog by author and mom Kelly Homes.
Making Mind Jars
This craft project is a very tangible way to give children (and adults!) an experience of mindfulness.
Turtle Treasure Tray Craft Project
Make and use a Turtle Treasure Tray to explore idea of life being precious and rare. Students will use simple materials to create a artistic representation of a turtle, and use it as the support for a guided contemplation on the story of the turtle from the Buddha's teachings. Resources are provided for background support and possible extensions of the activity.
A Guided Meditation for Young Children
Heather Sanche, author of The Life of the Buddha, and her daughter lead you through a simple meditation you can do with your children.
How to Hold a Family Meditation
Inspiration and tips on how to share a quiet moment of family meditation together with your children.
Review of Where’s Buddha?
Where's Buddha offers children a reminder that any time, any place, and in any situation, you can uncover the qualities of the Buddha: calm, mindful, joyful, and aware.
Relaxing the Body
This exercise is a helpful preliminary to meditation. It helps us tune in to the body and connect with sensations and feelings.
Book Review of Ziji: The Puppy Who Learned to Meditate
Ziji: The Puppy Who Learned to Meditate offers simple and clear meditation instructions for kids (and adults) framed around a sweet story about a puppy and family.