

Guidance for Raising Children with Dharma

January 10, 2023
A variety of resources to help raise children with Dharma in mind, from the perspective of teachers of the three main Buddhist traditions.

My Experience Teaching English in Nepal (Part III)

February 5, 2021
In Part III, Denitsa Gancheva shares what her students taught her about herself, life, and education itself during her time teaching English to monks at Maratika Monastery in Nepal.

Middle Way Education: The Five Domains of Learning

October 21, 2020
Middle Way Education's five domains of learning balance Sciences; Humanities; Arts; Embodiment; and Contemplation.

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche on Buddhism and Education Part II

October 1, 2020
This is the second occasion where Rinpoche addressed questions from parents and educators. This talk included diverse topics including social media, self-reliance, resilience, going beyond conventional education, how to present Buddhism to non-buddhists, how to teach kids about lineage, death, deities, mantra, how to let children lead their own learning and much more.

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche on Buddhist Parenting and Education

August 4, 2020
In this talk, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche answers questions from parents and teachers about Buddhism and raising children in today's world.

MWE’s Lesson Planning Template

December 5, 2019
A blank lesson planning template in Google Doc form that can be duplicated and customized by educators.

Shugen Roshi on the Benefits of Buddhist Education

November 6, 2019
In this talk for parents at the Middle Way School, Shugen Roshi, abbot of Zen Mountain Monastery, talks about the value of the dharma in schools.

Experiential Buddhist Education Specializing in Kindergarten (Held in Nepal)

August 27, 2019
Interested in becoming a kindergarten teacher? This 2-year course from Abiding Heart Education brings together the Buddhist view, meditation and everyday application with the Waldorf/Steiner Education framework.

Teaching With Bravery: Meditation and Heart Advice for Teachers

January 10, 2019
Teachers are often overwhelmed, undervalued, and disempowered in their roles. At the same time, they are uniquely situated to influence the lives of young people and even to change the world. This book offers a new vision for teachers as the architects of a more compassionate society, as well as methods to engage with teaching as a journey of self-realization.

Finding the Balance Between Judgment and Boundaries

June 1, 2018
When we feel the urge to cast judgment on others—whether a child, a parent, or someone else in our community—instead of turning inward to protect ourselves, we can open up to those around us.