

Free Download: Coloring Pages from Everything Is Connected

August 10, 2020
Download a set of coloring pages inspired by Ignasi Font’s illustrations from Everything Is Connected.

A Morning Prayer for Children to Start Their Day

July 17, 2020
Our advisor Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche provided the seed statement for this prayer for children to say in the morning.

How Is Everything Connected?

April 23, 2020
How am I connected to everything? Download a set of worksheets filled with activities, reflections, and practices to help children answer this important question.

Practice for Saving the Lives of Animals

April 16, 2020
A life-release practice to do with children.

Dilemmas about Helping and Not Harming

April 16, 2020
This short activity engages students in a discussion about the 10 positive and negative actions.

Education of the Heart: Research-backed Educator Resources

April 8, 2020
This website offers an extensive selection of readings and resources, covering topics such as Social and Emotional Learning, mindfulness and awareness in education, the value of kindness and compassion in the classroom, and more.

Inner Refuge in Uncertain Times by Lama Karma Justin Wall

March 30, 2020
The Middle Way School recently hosted a dharma talk by Lama Karma Justin Wall to help support parents and caregivers during this unprecedented era of uncertainty. 

Nurturing an Intentional, Compassionate Family

February 27, 2020
A 4-part series of talks by Sumi Loundon Kim on mindful parenting.

Discovering Basic Goodness

February 26, 2020
This lessons offers students to understand and experience their basic goodness through different exercises and activities.

Seeding the Heart: Loving-kindness Practice with Children (Full Book)

February 11, 2020
This short book was written by Gregory Kramer, cofounder and president of the Metta Foundation in Portland, Oregon. He offers insight and advice for how to practice lovingkindness (or metta) with children of any age, based on his own personal experience with his children over sixteen years.