Principles of Middle Way Education


Principles of Middle Way Education

About This Resource

Summary This core document presents Middle Way Education's guiding principles, as it has been implemented at our flagship model, the Middle Way School. This overview presents the philosophical framework, and helps to convey how MWE's approach to physical, social and cognitive development relates to the classic Buddhist threefold training.


Principles of Middle Way Education


Guided by a number of Buddhist teachers and scholars, the Middle Way School is the pilot school for a model of Buddhist education with a comprehensive curriculum and teaching methodology that can be used to create new schools, redefine existing schools, and support children’s programs around the world. Middle Way is not tethered to one single Buddhist tradition or path. It is said that the Buddha taught in 84,000 ways, the dharma travelled, and still travels, across cultures, there are three major yanas or schools of Buddhism that coexist harmoniously, and within those multiple paths an individual can pursue. This is the wealth of the dharma.

The Middle Way Education integrates these Buddhist wisdom traditions with progressive education in a contemporary setting. There are three primary aspects of the Middle Way Framework: The Ground of Shunyata and Bodhicitta, or non-dualistic altruism, the Three Branches of Development and Training, and the Five Guiding Principles and Domains of Learning. Together, these create the framework of our pedagogy and the basis for curriculum development.

Please continue reading the complete, updated document via this Google Doc.

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