

Tea Parties

December 13, 2022
Hosting tea parties is a fun way to engage children in the practice of serving and being served. This role-playing activity does require quite a bit of preparation and a minimum of 2 teachers/guides.

Orientation Program at the Middle Way School

November 2, 2020
An example of an orientation day at the Middle Way School. The details vary from year to year, but this example from our model school gives a glimpse into what this looked like in 2020.

Sacred Spaces at School and Home

April 27, 2020
Middle Way Education's Noa Jones and Lama Karma Justin Wall share suggestions and contemplations on creating a sacred space at home or in school.

Tea for Teachers

August 28, 2019
This activity, developed at the Middle Way School, guides students in the practice of offering in a fun and engaging way. Students learn about tea service and making offerings as a way to show respect, which can enhance the student-teacher relationship. The lesson builds an understanding of awareness, lineage, reciprocity, gratitude, and simple acts of kindness.

The Art of Service

May 13, 2019
This lesson guides students toward the practice of offering by running a pop-up restaurant.