Shugen Roshi on Shila


Shugen Roshi on Shila

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Summary Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, Roshi, Abbot of the Zen Mountain Monastery spoke to a group of Middle Way School parents on the subject of shila, or Buddhist discipline on April 13, 2023.
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Rather than what is commonly associated with morality, Buddhist shila is an ethical compass within the self—an internal, aware, and intentional behavior. Shugen presents each dharma subject with an approachable elegance and humor that brings us closer to the wholesome tendencies of our minds. Shila is a big focus of our programming at MWS.

Shugen Roshi kindly agreed to join the Middle Way advisory committee in April, 2018. His deep commitment to the dharma and his great love of education helps inform our path as we develop a new model of education. We are profoundly grateful. Shugen received dharma transmission from Daido Roshi in 1997. He is head of the Mountains and River Order and abbot of both Zen Center of New York City and Zen Mountain Monastery. He has been in full-time residential training since 1986, before which he studied music and mathematics. His teachings have appeared in various Buddhist journals and in The Best Buddhist Writing 2009.

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