Selected Jataka Tales
Links to a small collection of Jataka Tales suitable for children and young people, available online.
Playlist: A Basket of Plums
This playlist of songs for cultivating mindfulness comes from the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh.
How to Practice Metta with Children
You’re never too young to practice loving-kindness. Gail Silver on how to teach metta to your kids.
The Clever Fox: A Guided Meditation for Children
Kids meditation story "The Clever Fox"—a 20-minute guided meditation for children
Book Review: Little Sid
This sweet little book for ages 4-8, written by Ian Lendler and illustrated by Xanthe Bouma, recounts a story from the childhood of Siddhartha Gautama, here nicknamed Little Sid. One day, the young prince embarked on a journey from his castle in search of happiness and, along the way, he came to understand the fleeting nature of all things and the value of extending kindness and generosity toward others.
Impermanence Man
Here is a fun approach to Impermanence, one of the thoughts that turn the mind. Kids really get into this. Make a man out of natural materials and observe how it changes over time.
Sitting Together: A Mindfulness Curriculum for the Whole Family
This three-volume set provides a complete curriculum for adults and children to learn about mindfulness, meditation, and Buddhist teachings together, either in the home, in partnership with other families, or with a local center.
A Contributor’s Favorite Books for Children
A List of Books for Children on Buddhism, Mindfulness, Meditation, Yoga and Zen.
This Precious Life: Lama Karma teaches on The Four Thoughts
Lama Karma teaches on the first of The Four Thoughts - the contemplation of the precious human birth.