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Origami Buddha

Buddhist-inspired origami and paper crafts. These videos are designed for anyone who works or plays with children, and wants to explore creative...
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Living in Reality

This set of slides created by meditation instructor Jakob Leschly gives an overview of why we practice meditation for a teen audience. You can download the slides and incorporate into a larger conversation about why we meditate and the basic practice.

Ryuko Laura Burges

Ryuko Laura Burges, a lay entrusted dharma teacher in the Soto Zen tradition, lectures, teaches classes, and leads retreats at practice centers...
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Motherhood as a Spiritual Art

In this pithy article, educator and mom Deborah McNamara writes about her experiences as a Buddhist mother and teacher with advice on how to relate with children.

MWE Camp Guide

MWE's growing toolbox for creating your own Buddhist children's camp or program. A work in progress!

Nine Principles of the MWE Model (Chinese)

The Nine Principles of the MWE Curriculum were given to us by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche and vetted by lineage holders from all the major traditions (Zen, Theravada, Pure Land et al). Thanks to Candice Tsuei for translating them into Chinese.

Dharma vs Buddhadharma at a Buddhist School

In this article Noa Jones draws a distinction between the dharma that naturally arises in every day life, regardless of identity, and the Buddhadharma that is taught more explicitly from the cannon. 

Menla/Tibet House

Menla is a hidden oasis set in a secluded valley beside an enchanting stream in the heart of the Catskill mountains. Featuring...
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Tricycle Magazine

Tricycle: The Buddhist Review is an independent, nonsectarian Buddhist quarterly that publishes Buddhist teachings, practices, and critique. Based in New York City, the magazine has been recognized for...
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