Phajoding Monastery Project, Bhutan

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Phajoding Monastery Project

Country Bhutan
Founder and Spiritual Lead Phajo Drugom Zhigpo / Lama Namgay Tenzin
Lineage Kagyu

Email: [email protected]


The Phajoding monastery site was founded in the 13th Century by Phajo Drugom Zhigpo (1184-1251), the Tibetan lama who spread the Drukpa Kagyu teachings of Buddhism in Bhutan and known as the ‘current of compassion’. The Phajoding Monastery has a devoted community of just over 80 young, impoverished monks who faithfully carry on the spiritual traditions set down by the founder of this sacred site, Phajo Drugom Zhigpo. It also serves as a refuge for disadvantaged boys.

The vision of the lamas is to transform this monastery into a thriving centre for learning – where the monks, who range in age from 7 to 25 years old, are taught Buddhist philosophy and mindfulness within a supportive and compassionate environment. They have begun to extend the curriculum to include secular subjects such as English and Basic Maths and the teaching of practical skills such as carpentry and organic gardening. As a result many impoverished children will be empowered, educated and provided with options and hope where they previously had none.

The mission of this project is to empower, care for and educate disadvantaged young boys from across Bhutan. The goals are to:

  • provide compassionate care and education for orphaned and disadvantaged boys within a holistic curriculum
  • provide for the basic needs of these boys (including a sense of family and belonging)
  • model the importance of the values and actions of compassion, gifting, sharing and trust

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